
We receive our chicks when they are one day old. 

As soon as they arrive on the farm, they are moved into our brooder house. In the brooder, they receive constant heat, food and water. Young chicks need a constant heat source for the first 14 days of their lives, after which they can regulate their own temperature. We keep them in the brooder until they are 3 weeks old. 

Farmer Max - Chicks

Out to Pasture

After three weeks of age, we move our chickens out to pasture. Here they stay in mobile range coops, which keep them dry and protected from any predators. 

The range coops or pens are moved every morning. As soon as they are onto fresh pasture the chickens forage, looking for bugs, eating natural grass seeds and enjoying the fresh air.  

Farmer Max - Chickens out to pasture


After 7 or 8 weeks our chickens are ready for processing. We process all our chickens on the farm. No long transportation routes. We process by hand. No conveyer belts. No more than 200/day.